*PREVIEW* [#160] SHIP OF FOOLS: The Dracularity of Titanic, Part Two
FULL EPISODE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/160-ship-of-of-87602691 Dimitri and Khalid continue their deep sea dive into the murky mythos of the Titanic, including: Synchronicities with James Cameron’s Titanic being released 4 months after the death of Princess Diana, the 1943 Nazi blockbuster “Titanic”, locating the berg film in James Cameron’s “Planet Ice”, sus Lusitania, deboonking the Titanic-Olympic swap out theory, goin’ to hell in an unchristened bucket, the resurgent theory that JP Morgan sank the Titanic to kill “Mr. Ustah” for opposing the Fed, G. Edward Griffin’s “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, Griffin’s work with Curtis Lemay, John Singlaub, and Larry McDonald’s Western Goals, the conspiratorial origins of the Federal Reserve, the leading role of John D. Rockefeller Jr.’s father-in-law Senator Nelson Aldrich, the Warburg banking dynasty, the Rothschild shitcoat, and more. For access to full-length Patreon episodes, upcoming installments of DEMON FORCES, and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.