The Evolution of Supply Chain Education - with Director, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, Yossi Sheffi

Supply Chain Careers podcast hosts - Mike Ogle and Rodney Apple speak with Yossi Sheffi, the Elisha Gray II Prof. of Engineering Systems at MIT, where he serves as Director of the Center for Transportation and Logistics.In this episode, Dr. Sheffi begins with his civil engineering start and move toward urban transportation and then to management of transportation systems in general. He explains the need for soft skills to complement the technical skills when working to get solutions developed and implemented. Yossi talks about the tremendous growth and continued demand for their onsite and online masters candidates, whether it is degree or certificate programs. He sees the great interest in AI coupled with the growing awareness of supply chain. He provides thoughts about his recent book, "The Magic Conveyor Belt: Supply Chains, AI, and the Future of Work" and the incredible changes that have taken place, with more to come, in supply chain. He closes with his thoughts about education in general, including ways of continuous learning, and how we should be developing future generations to support our supply chain systems.Are you an employer looking for assistance with hiring Supply Chain Professionals?Head here to learn about our Supply Chain RecruitersWant to explore more supply chain career resources?Head over to SCM Talent Group!Want to apply for available Supply Chain Jobs?Head over to our Supply Chain Job Board!Need help hiring top talent? Engage a recruiting firm that specializes in your hiring needs: Supply Chain Recruiters Operations Recruiters Manufacturing Recruiters Distribution Center & Warehouse Recruiters Continuous Improvement Recruiters S&OP Recruiters Strategic Sourcing & Procurement Recruiters Inventory Planning Recruiters Transportation & Logistics Recruiters

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Featuring career-oriented conversations across all supply chain disciplines. Topics include career and professional development as well as hiring, retaining and developing supply chain talent.