Proof teens will save our ocean ft. DEEPSEAS

"If you have an idea and a skillset, you should try." Today Alex sits down with a group of inspiring high school students who came together on their own to develop solutions to illegal and unregulated fishing threats to the ocean - using coding and artificial intelligence. Their project, DEEPSEAS, is an incredible example of what is possible when passionate people work together to build the future they want. ⁠FutureSwell Instagram⁠ Carissaandclimate on ⁠Instagram⁠ and ⁠Tiktok⁠ ⁠The Ripple: A Monthly Blue Newsletter ⁠by Futureswell

Om Podcasten

Made by ocean people, for ocean people. Led by two marine biologists committed to building bridges, Sustainability & The Sea is a collection of conversations about saving our oceans - what are the problems, who is solving them, how it's being done, and how we can all participate. Made for the ocean-minded, this series will introduce you to the challenges that our ocean faces, and the change-makers making waves across the world. Let's dive in!