Mark Galeotti on the Russian Security Machine

In this episode we interview Mark Galeotti a leading expert on Russia, Russian organised crime, and Russian security. Galeotti is Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London, Honorary Professor at the University College London, and director of the consultancy Mayak Intelligence. He has authored a large number of books, including “The Vory: Russia’s Super Mafia” published by Yale University Press and “We need to talk about Putin: How the West gets him wrong” published by Penguin. Galeotti takes us on a tour de force — including what makes Russia’s leadership tick, “active measures”, risks that firms need to be mindful of, and much more! Enjoy!The episode was recorded at the end of 2019. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Om Podcasten

Företag möter många olika typer av brottslighet och säkerhetshot, allt ifrån bedrägerier, inbrott, skadegörelse och våld till spionage, sabotage och ren hybridkrigföring. I Svenska säkerhetspodden intervjuar säkerhetsexperten Karl Lallerstedt svenska och internationella experter inom en rad olika områden som berör brott och säkerhetshot. Här får du både ökad insikt i hoten vi står inför samt konkreta tips om hur du kan skydda dig.Det här kan vara den mest värdefulla podden du har lyssnat på.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.