Sappho: Fragment 55

When you lie dead, no one will remember you For you have no share in the Muses’ roses. No, flitting aimlessly about, You will wildly roam, a shade amidst the shadowy dead. Translated by Dubnoff Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Twitter & Instagram @sweetbitterpod. You can support us on Our guests this episode were Marguerite Johnson and Malcolm Choat. You can learn more about our guests and  where to find them here:   Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Om Podcasten

An investigative history podcast with a focus on queer & women’s history. Each season, we explore a different corner of history, using literary works or historical figures as a starting point to discuss a broader story of erasure of people with marginalized identities. In our second season, we bring you a high-seas adventure full of surprises as we uncover the queer & women's history of pirates. Gay love and even marriage were more common in the 17th-century world of pirates than we might expect, and history is full of cross-dressing, swashbuckling pirates who broke gender norms and created their own queer culture. We explore the stories behind these radical rebel and discuss why have those stories been erased for hundreds of years. Season 1 delves into the truth and controversy surrounding Sappho; her life, the Isle of Lesbos and her relevance today. Produced in partnership with 3SM.