Bonus: Sappho, Enheduanna and the lesbian movement with Judy Grahn

am I not    olden olden olden it is unwanted. wanting, wanting am I not    broken stolen    common am I not crinkled cranky poison am I not glinty-eyed and frozen am I not    aged shaky    glazing am I not    hazy guarded    craven am I not    only stingy    little am I not    simple brittle    spitting was I not    over over    ridden? it is a long story will you be proud to be my version? it is unwritten. writing, writing am I not    ancient raging    patient am I not    able charming    stable was I not    building forming    braving was I not    ruling guiding    naming was I not    brazen crazy    chosen even the stones would do my bidding? it is a long story am I not proud to be your version? it is unspoken. speaking, speaking am I not    elder berry brandy are you not wine before you find me in your own beaker? - Slowly: a plainsong from an older woman to a younger woman Judy Grahn Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Twitter & Instagram @sweetbitterpod. You can support us on

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An investigative history podcast with a focus on queer & women’s history. Each season, we explore a different corner of history, using literary works or historical figures as a starting point to discuss a broader story of erasure of people with marginalized identities. In our second season, we bring you a high-seas adventure full of surprises as we uncover the queer & women's history of pirates. Gay love and even marriage were more common in the 17th-century world of pirates than we might expect, and history is full of cross-dressing, swashbuckling pirates who broke gender norms and created their own queer culture. We explore the stories behind these radical rebel and discuss why have those stories been erased for hundreds of years. Season 1 delves into the truth and controversy surrounding Sappho; her life, the Isle of Lesbos and her relevance today. Produced in partnership with 3SM.