64. Dr. Pak: Minimalist Training, Changes in Contest Prep, Deloading
A great episode with Dr. Pak Androulakis-Korakakis - PhD, coach at Stronger by Science, and chief editor of the REPS Research Review. We talk about some new research on minimalist training, changes that happen in contest prep, and deloading. Find Dr. Pak : https://linktr.ee/drpak On IG: @dr__pak ------------------------------- Take your knowledge to the next level with the MASS Research Review: http://bit.ly/drswoleMASS (This is an affiliate link - I’ll receive a small commission when you use it) My e-books: https://askdrswole.com/ ------------------------------- Follow me on social media: YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/c/DrSwole INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/dr_swole FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/drswole TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_swole/ ------------------------------- About me: I'm a medical doctor and pro natural physique athlete based in Vancouver, Canada. I seek to share science-based perspectives to help people lose fat and gain muscle. These will reflect the current expert consensus in the scientific bodybuilding community. I‘m lifetime drug-free and have been training since 2012. ------------------------------- Disclaimers: Consider seeing a physician to assess your readiness before beginning any fitness program. Information presented here is to be applied intelligently in the individual context. I do not assume liability for any loss incurred by using information in this podcast.