Ep. 19: How To Shoot Your Shot + Girl Talk feat. Arianna Zaidenweber [VIDEO]

(VIDEO PODCAST) I'm joined this week by one of my best friends, Arianna! We share the story behind how we met, shooting your shot making friends, and how we formed such a tightly bonded friend group as adults. We talk about red flags in friends and the qualities we look for, other people's perceptions, and much more! This episode is more personal so I hope you enjoy getting a closer look into my life and also learn something new :) xx  Follow me on IG: @syncd.up

Om Podcasten

Hi :) I’m Sabrina and I created this podcast to help you radiate magnetism, connect to the universe, and make your energy your greatest asset. “Sync’d” is short for “synchronicity:” a meaningful coincidence that can’t be explained. If you’ve ever thought about someone and they call you minutes after, that’s a synchronicity. When you attend that event you’d been dreading only to be connected with your future business partner, that’s a synchronicity. Through personal stories, interviews, and teachings, it’s my mission to get you SYNC’D UP and live a life of fun, joy, and meaning!