Ep. 2: Female Friendships and Overcoming Comparison

Claire and Sabrina are letting you in on girl talk this week. The girls start off by sharing the signs and synchronicities that led them to create this podcast (are you aware of any signs you could be receiving? *side eye emoji*) They move into a deep dive on navigating female friendships: how to know if your friendships are serving you, overcoming negative experiences with comparison, and lots more. Get ready to #giggle. Enjoy :)

Om Podcasten

Hi :) I’m Sabrina and I created this podcast to help you radiate magnetism, connect to the universe, and make your energy your greatest asset. “Sync’d” is short for “synchronicity:” a meaningful coincidence that can’t be explained. If you’ve ever thought about someone and they call you minutes after, that’s a synchronicity. When you attend that event you’d been dreading only to be connected with your future business partner, that’s a synchronicity. Through personal stories, interviews, and teachings, it’s my mission to get you SYNC’D UP and live a life of fun, joy, and meaning!