Ep. 39: Q+A Part 1 [VIDEO]

(VIDEO PODCAST) this week i am answering a bunch of questions that you guys sent in! 1. how did you develop your energy? 2. what are three things you are working on currently? 3. how to stay present and stop anticipating the future? 4. how are you always so happy and positive? 5. did i manifest a glow up? 6. what are my goals for 2024 and in general? feel free to dm me any questions you'd like me to answer for part 2!! xx IG: @syncd.up

Om Podcasten

Hi :) I’m Sabrina and I created this podcast to help you radiate magnetism, connect to the universe, and make your energy your greatest asset. “Sync’d” is short for “synchronicity:” a meaningful coincidence that can’t be explained. If you’ve ever thought about someone and they call you minutes after, that’s a synchronicity. When you attend that event you’d been dreading only to be connected with your future business partner, that’s a synchronicity. Through personal stories, interviews, and teachings, it’s my mission to get you SYNC’D UP and live a life of fun, joy, and meaning!