SYS 142: From Cleaning Toilets to Running a Property Empire: Orion Rodgers' Six-Month Business Transformation Leveraging Systems and Virtual Assistants, Founder of Coast & Host Vacation Rentals

🎙 Dr. Steve Day sits down with the remarkable Orion Rodgers, a seasoned entrepreneur who took his service accommodation business from overwhelming chaos to astonishing success.  Orion and his wife embarked on their business journey in Canada, initially shouldering the weight of every task. However, through the art of systemization, smart task outsourcing, and assembling a stellar team, they unlocked the freedom and success they had always craved.  Orion's incredible journey showcases the incredible potential of unwavering dedication and strategic planning in shaping a business that not only thrives but also grants you the lifestyle you've always aspired to. KEY TAKEAWAYS  💡 Systemization is key to running a successful business. By creating systems and processes, you can remove yourself from the day-to-day operations and focus on the bigger picture. 💡 Outsourcing and hiring a team can greatly improve efficiency and productivity. You can free up your time and focus on higher-level tasks by delegating tasks to virtual assistants or other team members. 💡 Building a strong team is crucial. Finding team members with the right skills and strengths for specific roles can greatly contribute to the success of your business. 💡 Overcoming mindset hurdles is essential. Doubt and fear can hold you back, but you can achieve your goals by pushing through and taking action. 💡 Learning from mistakes is part of the journey to success. Making hiring mistakes or facing challenges is normal, but it's essential to learn from them and adjust to improve your business. BEST MOMENTS 34:22 - 💬‘You never know what it's going to look like until it's working.’ - Orion 36:48 - 💬‘Once you achieve the goal, it's definitely worth it.’ - Orion 36:59 - 💬‘The grass is never greener. Sometimes it is, but the juice is always worth the squeeze.’ - Orion 37:04 - 💬‘Success is made up of mistakes. The straight line to success is the fastest way back down.’ - Orion 38:00 - 💬‘The hardest part is writing the email. Once you write the email to let them go or have the phone call, however, you decide to do it, there's no fight back. They just accept it.’ - Orion TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW [00:02:49] Focused on guest experience and adventure enthusiasts. Beautiful accommodations, smooth check-in/out, excellent customer service. [00:06:51] The Virtual Assistant team manages guest communication and cleaning. [00:08:52] Growth phase, notifications routed to VA team. [00:14:02] Overcoming roadblocks in growing rental property business. [00:16:08] Meeting someone who can guide you forward. [00:19:37] Outsource video creation; use physical staff. [00:21:09] Connect with mentors to seek guidance and advice. [00:25:51] Virtual assistant role unclear; varied strengths and weaknesses. [00:28:44] Hiring remote team member: internet, OS important [00:33:40] "Keep digging, find the diamond within." [00:37:33] Letting go is easy, writing an email is hard. [00:41:19] Push through doubts, hire remote workers = success. [00:45:01] Many people didn't watch, but I summarised. [00:47:25] Success is having free time and moments. [00:48:46] Appreciate your inspiring story. Thanks a lot. GUEST RESOURCES Website: Instagram: VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: Facebook Group: LinkedIn: Instagram: YouTube: ABOUT THE HOST Steve was a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve’s been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in Computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcingMethodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants.   Most business owners are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help.   Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

Om Podcasten

Dr Steve Day from the systems and outsourcing University reveals evey app, hack and trick he’s used to outsource the entire day to day running of his businesses. You’ll discover how to transform your work from a time-sapping, energy draining grind into something you enjoy doing each day. You’ll learn about letting go, trusting other people to do your work, about virtual assistants, outsourcing, managing a remote team, using apps and technology, creating systems, and stopping your business being reliant on superstar employees that are hard to find and even harder to keep hold of. You shouldn’t have to do all the work yourself, even if you’re on a tight budget. The sooner you outsource your work, the sooner you can focus on leading your company and doing the stuff that only you can do to make your business a success. Steve openly shares his wins, losses and lessons from creating affordable, practical systems that anyone can use. If you’re a business owner who wants to have more time to focus on doing the important stuff, then you’re gonna love this podcast. No nonsense practical advice, inspiring interviews and unbiased reviews of all the things you need to create any awesome business that you can be proud of. Steve has deconstructed the dark-art of creating sophisticated business systems into a simple step-by-step method that anyone can follow. Hit subscribe and get ready to transform the way you work.