SYS 144: Our Proven Management Toolkit is the Secret to why our Virtual Assistants Stick Around for the Long-term (average 36 months and counting!)

🎙In this episode, Dr Steve Day discusses the importance of effective staff management in small businesses. Drawing from personal experiences and mistakes made in the past, he shares seven essential tools from the Staff Management Toolkit. These tools include the Welcome Meeting, 121 Meetings, Probationary Reviews, Employee Private Records, Monthly Task Board Reviews, Periodic Performance Reviews, and the giving Feedback model.  Steve emphasizes the significance of consistent and structured management practices in fostering trust, communication, and collaboration within the team. By implementing these tools, small business owners can maximize the return on their investment in hiring, onboarding, and training staff, ultimately leading to long-term employee retention and increased productivity.   KEY TAKEAWAYS 💡 Hiring, onboarding, and training staff is a significant investment for small business owners, so it's crucial to ensure a high return on that investment by focusing on employee retention and productivity. 💡 The Staff Management Toolkit consists of seven tools that can be used with every staff member, regardless of their tenure or position. These tools include the Welcome Meeting, 121 Meetings, Probationary Reviews, Employee Private Records, Monthly Task Board Reviews, Periodic Performance Reviews, and the giving Feedback. 💡 The Welcome Meeting is an opportunity to set new employees up for success by communicating the company's values, mission, vision, and the difference it is making in the world. It also helps to excite and engage new employees by aligning their values with the company's. 💡 The 121 Meeting is a weekly opportunity for employees to share their concerns, stressors, and areas where they need support. The key to making this meeting effective is to listen actively and let the employee talk without interruption. This meeting helps build trust and shows that the manager cares about the employee's well-being. 💡 The Periodic Performance Review is conducted every 6-12 months to assess an employee's progress, achievements, challenges, and professional development. It is an opportunity to provide support and recognition for high-performing employees and address any areas of improvement for others.   BEST MOMENTS 00:00 💬  "Hiring, onboarding and training staff is one of the biggest investments we make as small business owners, and so ensuring we get the biggest return on that investment is key."  00:24 💬 "The reasons for that have often been through poor management or lack of consistency or a lack of understanding of what it is I needed to do to give that person the workplace and the environment they needed to thrive."  01:02 💬  "No matter where they are based in the world, how long they've worked with us, they need to have structure. And this is how we do it."  03:51 💬 "Doing that is something that not many managers do. But it shows them that you actually care enough to listen and to give them that your, your, you know, valuable time."  21:04 💬  "With these tools in your arsenal, and if you deploy them and use them consistently with every single member of staff, you'll see that your team actually come together, you'll improve trust and communication and collaboration within your team."    TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW [00:02:03] 121 Meeting to listen and support. [00:04:08] Evaluate, determine fit, and let go if necessary. [00:07:57] Task matrix provides visibility, but its effectiveness varies. Board review offers coaching and ensures proper usage. [00:10:44] Visibility, knowledge, stress reduction, coaching, metrics review. [00:14:27] Vague feedback may dismiss future behaviour change. [00:18:49] 5-star meetings, daily stand-ups, efficient communication. [00:21:05] Structured management brings calm and retention.   VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: Facebook Group: LinkedIn: Instagram: YouTube:   ABOUT THE HOST Steve used to be a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve’s been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in Computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing Methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants. Most business owners are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help. Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

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Dr Steve Day from the systems and outsourcing University reveals evey app, hack and trick he’s used to outsource the entire day to day running of his businesses. You’ll discover how to transform your work from a time-sapping, energy draining grind into something you enjoy doing each day. You’ll learn about letting go, trusting other people to do your work, about virtual assistants, outsourcing, managing a remote team, using apps and technology, creating systems, and stopping your business being reliant on superstar employees that are hard to find and even harder to keep hold of. You shouldn’t have to do all the work yourself, even if you’re on a tight budget. The sooner you outsource your work, the sooner you can focus on leading your company and doing the stuff that only you can do to make your business a success. Steve openly shares his wins, losses and lessons from creating affordable, practical systems that anyone can use. If you’re a business owner who wants to have more time to focus on doing the important stuff, then you’re gonna love this podcast. No nonsense practical advice, inspiring interviews and unbiased reviews of all the things you need to create any awesome business that you can be proud of. Steve has deconstructed the dark-art of creating sophisticated business systems into a simple step-by-step method that anyone can follow. Hit subscribe and get ready to transform the way you work.