379: Shift work and nutrition - a marriage of inconvenience

Anyone who has worked irregular hours knows that the world is built around daytime eating, not just in the home, but at shops, cafes, restaurants and canteens. But there are millions of us working rotating shifts, nightshifts and irregular hours. And when the shops are shut, and decent food is in short supply, we tend to reach all too often for those quick fixes – the crisps and the chocolate bars. Vending machines at dark, deserted bus stations can tide us over until the next meal.   Shift work has long been associated with negative health outcomes, but does when we eat matter as much as what we eat? And considering all of that, is it really possible for most people to separate the two? What can shift workers do to make healthy lifestyle choices? And what solutions could the food industry offer? Guests: Professor Alexandra Johnstone, The Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen Dr Sally Wilson, Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies

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