385: How do we get children engaged with nutrition?

It is clear our early years are crucial in shaping the rest of our lives, but when it comes to food, those years can be a roller coaster.    The foods that comfort children, the foods they want, the foods they crave (and the foods they are sold), are not always the best things for them. As any parent knows, it can be a nightmare trying to get your children to eat a balanced diet.  And, sorry folks, it does not get any easier with teenagers. So, how should we go about engaging kids in food? How do we help them appreciate tastes and flavours, and go beyond that, to appreciate concepts like healthy nutrition, or diet or sustainability?    It is important, not just for their health, but for the health of the world they are growing up in. Guests: Dr Paul Myers, Managing Director, Farm Urban Helenna Vaughan-Smith, Senior Product Manager, Enginuity Tomo Delaney, Founding Partner, Noshi

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