388: Aphrodisiacs - is anything really up to the job?

In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, we are turning down the lights, turning up the music, and getting out the finest cutlery as we talk about the food of love. And specifically, the idea of aphrodisiacs – those foods which, it is claimed, have a love-inducing power on us, which are stimulating, potent, and get the blood flowing. In modern times, oysters or chocolate are claimed to do the job. Further back, foie gras and caviar. Through history, stranger things still.   The question is: Do food aphrodisiacs actually work? And if so, are they always sexy or is it about context? We are going to dig into the history to find out and on the way we will see how the food industry has tapped into these sensual foods and drinks. Guests: Martha Hopkins, Author Dr Ursula Janssen, Culinary Historian

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