419: Turmeric - what does the science say about 'the Golden Goddess'?

There are probably few spices that have been written about as much as turmeric. It is a fantastic thing to behold, the colour alone, a rich yellow or deep orange, makes it stand out from the crowd. Half of the world's turmeric is consumed in India where it is often referred to as "the golden goddess". It has been used in cooking for centuries and, in the UK at least, has long been regarded as merely a versatile, fragrant and colourful spice for many dishes. More recently, claims have been made about its health benefits. Perhaps it is just the UK catching up with the rest of the world; medicinal claims around turmeric go back hundreds of years. But why has turmeric captivated us for so long? Is there any truth in the medicinal claims? And what is next for the famous yellowy-orange powder? Guests: Dr Vivien Rolfe, Head of Herbal Research, Pukka Herbs Dr Kristopher Paultre, University of Miami

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