421: Can processed food affect your mental health?

In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, we investigate the potential link between mental health and ultra-processed foods. The term ‘processed food’ encompasses more than you might think. From grinding wheat to cooking an egg, processed just means altering a food in some way during preparation. Ultra-processed foods are a bit different, usually altered beyond recognition and with plenty of additives thrown into the mix – there is not a part of a chicken called a nugget, for example. Around the world, processed foods account for a large portion of what we eat. According to one study, they now make up for roughly 55% of total food intake in the UK. We have spoken on the podcast before about physical health and ultra-processed foods, but what about mental health? Is there a link? What does the science say? And if there is a problem, how do we go about fixing it? Guest: Kimberley Wilson, Chartered Psychologist and Author

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