448: Can you eat your way to healthy skin?

The link between nutrition and our skin is complex. Various claims have been made and new products are constantly being developed. Yet a review in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that the data on the link is not well supported and that this often leaves medical professionals and patients confused and uncertain. Recognising that diet and skin could be better understood, Dr Thivi Maruthappu pioneered the field of Nutritional Dermatology. As the UK’s first dual-qualified dermatologist and nutritionist, she views the skin as being connected to our internal health, in which diet plays a huge role. So exactly how are skin and nutrition related? How does nutritional dermatology differ from conventional medicine? And how could this help improve the treatment of skin conditions? Guest: Dr Thivi Maruthappu, Consultant Dermatologist, Nutritionist and Researcher

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