468: Best bits: The history of food

In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, we take a look back at some of the highlights from previous episodes. Since launching in 2019, we have made more than 400 episodes, explored some absolutely fascinating topics, and met hundreds of wonderful people. And those people all have one thing in common – a deep knowledge of, and passion for, the food and drink industry. In this episode, we re-visit some of the best conversations we have had about the history of food. Featured episodes: Caffeine culture - how coffee shaped the world Aphrodisiacs - is anything really up to the job? The dark history of sugar How curry conquered the world

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Welcome to the Food Matters Live podcast – where we showcase the innovations, the big ideas, and the visionaries in the food industry. We dig deep, we look to the future and the past, and we question everything we think we know about food. Hit subscribe to make sure you never miss an episode. And find out how you can join the conversation on our website https://www.foodmatterslive.com.