481: The taste (and texture) of the future of food

How is consumer demand shaping the future of the food industry? It is a question that is almost constantly being asked by companies, entrepreneurs and staff across the world, in what is a hugely competitive market.  There is arguably no other sector that is as tuned in to what its customers want, and delivering on those wants and needs is crucial for any business to survive. But, as many of our listeners will know, it is not always a straight line and that means plenty of adaptation and innovation. The plant-based sector, for example, has seen some interesting recent developments, with some manufacturers re-thinking the types of products they produce. In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, made in partnership with BENEO, we look at some of the trends and innovations designed to satisfy a complex consumer base. In relation to plant-based, we learn more about hydrocolloids and the role they have to play. We also find out how BENEO is responding to consumer demand for reduced sugar products. The products we speak about (and try!) during the episode were on display at the Food Matters Live Tastes of Better event in October - find out more about the event here. Guests: Jolien Lambrechts, Market Insights Manager, BENEO Pieter Caspers, Technical Sales Manager Savoury UK & Benelux, BENEO Guilherme Santos, Country Sales Manager - UK, BENEO

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