494: Transforming the global food production system

There are multiple challenges facing the global food system, so how can we go about changing it to overcome them? It is projected that the system will need to feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050, a big enough challenge in itself. But when you combine that with protecting the planet and building more resilience, it becomes and even more daunting task. In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at our Sustainable Food Forum in September 2023, we do our best to find some answers. How must the global food system needs to change to meet the challenges of a growing population, whilst simultaneously protecting the planet? And how do we build more resilience into the system, making sure all of us have access to a healthy, affordable, and environmentally-friendly diet? Guests: Jonathon Porritt, Environmental Campaigner Marjolein Brasz, CEO, Foodvalley NL Dr Helen Harwatt, Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House Angela Francis, Chief Advisor Economics and Economic Development, WWF

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