Taiwan Salon, Episode 10: Sara Lin, Natalie Tso, and Emily Y. Wu on Media

In this episode of Taiwan Salon, host and GTI Research Assistant Adrienne Wu interviews three representatives of Taiwan's emerging news media: Sara Lin, director of public Relations for Taiwan Plus News; Natalie Tso, host and producer at Radio Taiwan International; and Emily Y. Wu, co-founder and CEO of Ghost Island Media. While growing interest in cross-Strait relations has led to greater international coverage of Taiwan, many western media sources still focus on Taiwan from a narrow perspective on military and political developments. For this special panel episode, we explore media narratives surrounding Taiwan, and discuss how to broaden the conversation to include other aspects of Taiwan's diverse society.

Om Podcasten

Taiwan Salon is a podcast produced by the Global Taiwan Institute (GTI), a 501(c)3 policy think tank in Washington, DC. Hosted by members of GTI’s staff, Taiwan Salon examines Taiwan’s cultural policy and approach to soft power from perspectives both inside and outside the government. Through interviews, the series illuminates how Taiwan’s unique history and culture interacts with policy and pinpoints opportunities and challenges for future “soft” engagement between Taiwan and the United States. Intro and outro music for the series is by I’mdifficult 我是機車少女.