Lead with Influence: A Proven Process to Lead without Authority

Matt Norman embodies humble leadership. Through Dale Carnegie, Matt grew from a nervous communicator to one who easily and intentionally builds relationships with others. His insights from his new book, Lead with Influence, will help all leaders learn how to inspire and encourage others even if they lack positional authority. Tune in to hear about overcoming seemingly insurmountable goals, the process of getting a leadership book from the brain to page, and the tools you need to become effectively curious.

Om Podcasten

Embark on a journey of real-life business insights and inspiring personal growth narratives. Welcome to Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Podcast, where we seek to uncover what leadership means in today’s world. Hosted by Joe Hart, CEO of Dale Carnegie, we’ll be talking to diverse leaders across various industries to help unlock your potential for success. We’ll be sharing real-life insights into leadership—which in turn can help spark the next level of your growth as a leader.