Moving Day

I finally made the much anticipated move to the Southwest! Packing, saying goodbye, dealing with unexpected challenges – it was a total whirlwind. But I emerged with some powerful coping mechanisms. Tune in to learn how I maintained a positive outlook, simplified the chaos, and prioritized self-care. You'll be prepped to handle your next life transition like a champ! Want to dig in a little further with me? Join Take Out Therapy Club for a free 30 Day trial! Just use code LISTEN24 at checkout **Links and Resources** Visit: for more free resources! I have openings for new clients- Come Try a Session! Join The Club Get 30 Days FREE With code LISTEN24

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Better Mental Health. DELIVERED. Improve your mental health, emotional stability and life skills in less than 20 minutes a week. Simple, straightforward and authentic advice and education from a private practice therapist. Your personal growth isn't going to happen without you. Let me help! Visit and find resources to help you grow.