No Bad Feelings

Some emotions are really uncomfortable- but that does not make them bad. In this episode we will learn to STOP categorizing emotions as "good" and "bad" and start allowing them all. After all, emotions are our authentic experience of being human, and learning to accept them is part of the personal growth process. Increase your emotional intelligence in less than 20 minutes! **Links and Resources**  FREE DOWNLOAD- Break free from the grips of overthinking, manage stress effectively, and create a more fulfilling life for yourself. To access your free guide, simply click HERE.  Website: Try a Session!  Personal Growth Club  

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Better Mental Health. DELIVERED. Improve your mental health, emotional stability and life skills in less than 20 minutes a week. Simple, straightforward and authentic advice and education from a private practice therapist. Your personal growth isn't going to happen without you. Let me help! Visit and find resources to help you grow.