Ryan Sickler

Ryan Sicker (The HoneyDew Podcast, The Wayback Podcast) takes his shows off to talk with Rick about stuff. Get tickets and sign up to see when Rick will be headlining in your city at https://www.punchup.live/rickglassman [ Chicago August 3rd ] Support TYSO by supporting our sponsors: Go to liquiddeath.com/TYSO to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  RICK GLASSMAN https://www.instagram.com/rickglassman https://www.tiktok.com/@rickglassman https://www.patreon.com/takeyourshoesoff https://www.tysocards.com https://www.rickglassman.com https://discord.gg/Z2v4HTC RYAN SICKLER @rsickler  https://www.ryansickler.com https://www.instagram.com/ryansicklerSupport the show: https://www.patreon.com/takeyourshoesoff

Om Podcasten

Hi, I'm Rick Glassman, and I'm a goofy guy and a cute boy. As a kid, I had debilitating OCD. I still have a lot of “things.” The title of my podcast “Take Your Shoes Off” is a microcosm of my need for control and order in a world that... keeps their shoes on. I created this podcast to showcase a more serious side, as I have conversations with some of the funniest and most interesting people in the world. I’ve learned the language of comedy in an attempt to survive this shoes-on world, so of course there will be some goofs and spoofs, but think of this podcast as you being a fly on the wall, as opposed to being an audience member in a theatre. Please, take your shoes off, and enjoy!