Little things in life that make you happy 生活中的“小确幸”

A: Nǐ jīntiān kànqǐlái hěn gāoxìng a! 你今天看起来很高兴啊! You seem very happy today! B: Duì! Wǒ shàngzhōu zài lùbiān jiǎn le yīgēn shùzhī, jīntiān zǎoshang jūrán kāihuā le! 对!我上周在路边捡了一根树枝,今天早上居然开花了! Yes! I picked up a branch on the roadside last week, and it bloomed this morning! A: Guàibude nǐ xīnqíng zhème hǎo. 怪不得你心情这么好。 No wonder you’re in such a good mood. B: Shì a. Wǒ běnlái zhǐshì xiǎng nálái dāng zhuāngshì, méixiǎngdào jìngrán hái huì kāihuā! 是啊。我本来只是想拿来当装饰,没想到竟然还会开花! Yeah. I only intended to use it as decoration, but I didn't expect it to flower!

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