Martial arts novel 武侠小说

A: Zěnme hái bù shuìjiào? 怎么还不睡觉? Why are you not sleeping? B: Wǒ zhèngzài zhuī de wǔxiá xiǎoshuō gēngxīn le, gāngcái zài kàn xiǎoshuō. 我正在追的武侠小说更新了,刚才在看小说。 The martial arts novel I'm following just updated. I was reading it just now. A: Wánjié le ma? 完结了吗? Is the book finished? B: Hái méi, cái xiě dào yībàn. Dàn shūli miáoxiě de jiānghú fēicháng kù. 还没,才写到一半。但书里描写的江湖非常酷。 Not yet, only halfway through. But the depiction of the world in the book is very cool.

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