Reaching out to each other 双向奔赴

A: Wǒ qù Shànghǎi zhǎo wǒ nánpéngyou de shíhou pū le gè kōng. 我去上海找我男朋友的时候扑了个空。 When I went to Shanghai to see my boyfriend, he wasn't there. B: Nǐmen shì yìdì liàn'ài a! 你们是异地恋爱啊! You guys are in a long-distance relationship! Nà tā qù nǎlǐ le? 那他去哪里了? So, where did he go? A: Tā zhènghǎo yě lái zhǎo wǒ le! 他正好也来找我了! He happened to come to see me, too! B: Zhēnde jiǎde? 真的假的? Really? Wèishénme tūrán xiù'ēn'ài?! 为什么突然秀恩爱?! Why this sudden display of affection?! Shuāngxiàng bēnfù de àiqíng tài měihǎo le! 双向奔赴的爱情太美好了! But a love where both put in the effort to be together is simply beautiful!

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A weekly Chinese language teaching show which covers the most frequently used Chinese words and expressions, dialogues, language tips, and stories behind the idioms.