Seaweed-based clothing 海带变时装

Are you passionate about sustainable fashion? Curious about the next big innovation in eco-friendly textiles? Tune in to our latest Takeaway Chinese episode where we explore the fascinating world of seaweed-based clothing! A: Nǐ zhèjiàn yīfu de miànliào mōqǐlái hǎo shūfu a, shì yángmáo de ma? 你这件衣服的面料摸起来好舒服啊,是羊毛的吗? The fabric of your clothes feels so comfortable. Is it made of wool? B: Hāha, nǐ juéduì xiǎngbùdào, zhèjiàn yīfu shì yòng hǎidài zuò de. 哈哈,你绝对想不到,这件衣服是用海带做的。 Haha, you would never guess that this piece of clothing is made from seaweed. A: Zhēnde ma? 真的吗? Really? B: Dāngrán, hǎidài bùjǐn néng chī, zuòchū de yīfu hái fēicháng huánbǎo! 当然,海带不仅能吃,做出的衣服还非常环保! Yes, seaweed is not only food but can also be made into eco-friendly clothing!

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