The Lantern Festival is coming! 喜迎元宵节

A: Nàgè lóngxíng huādēng kě zhēn cháng a! 那个龙形花灯可真长啊! That loong-shaped lantern is really long! B: Shì a, zúzú yǒu yībǎi mǐ cháng ne! 是啊,足足有一百米长呢! Yes. It's a whopping 100 meters long! A: Tīngshuō guò liǎngtiān hái huì yǒu gèngduō piàoliang de huādēng "shàngxīn". 听说过两天还会有更多漂亮的花灯“上新”。 I heard that there will be more beautiful lanterns making their debut in a few days. B: Nà wǒmen děng yuánxiāo jié wǎnshang zài lái kàn ba! 那我们等元宵节晚上再来看吧! Then let's come back here on the night of the Lantern Festival to see them again! A: Hǎo a, dào shíhou jiàn! 好啊,到时候见! Sure, see you then!

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