99. Convice your teams with the Rule of Three

Whether you're trying to convince your team to adopt new software, explaining a complex concept, or looking to make your business pitch more convincing, the rule of three will help you sound more persuasive.🔹 Use English confidently at work: Attend free monthly webinars here. Improve your business English with online courses: talaera.com/learn 📩 hello@talaera.com

Om Podcasten

Presenting in a meeting, networking at an event, or selling a product, they all have one thing in common - you need effective communication to succeed. Join business communication specialists Simon and Paola as they discuss real-world challenges for non-native speakers and how to solve them. How do I get my point across in meetings? How do I introduce myself? How do I explain complex information? Learn best practices, vocabulary, and tools to help you communicate more effectively in today’s global workplace.Access courses and free resources on talaera.com