Bonus Q&A with Kevin M. Yates
Andy welcomes Kevin M. Yates to The Talent Development Hot Seat this week. Kevin is known in the global training, learning, and talent development community as the “L&D Detective.” He solves measurement mysteries with facts, clues, evidence, and data. With more than 25 years of industry experience serving in diverse roles across multiple industries, Kevin has committed his time and talent to answering the question, “How do training and learning measurably impact human performance and business goals?”In this bonus episode, you’ll hear:7. Why Kevin M. Yates’ biggest accomplishment occurred in India and the reason it stands out.8. How dropping the ball on a project without giving a heads-up stands out as his biggest failure and what he learned from it.9. Why not being focused on performance is a challenge in talent development today.10. The performance trend and the reason it’s getting him excited.11. Kevin’s recommended authors, Jack and Patti Phillips from the ROI Institute.12. His favorite resources to recommend--his own L&D Detective Kit, Tableau, and Power BI.13. His advice for accelerating your career.Connect with Andy Storch here:WebsiteLinkedInJoin us in the Talent Development Think Tank Community!Talent Development Think Tank ConferenceConnect with Kevin M. Yates:LinkedInWebsiteMeals in the MeantimeROI InstituteTableauPower BI