Entrepreneurial Leadership with Joel Peterson, Chairman of JetBlue Airways

We have no shortage of visionaries, of people who come up with genius ideas and start innovating, but what we need most now are leaders who don’t just light fires but know how to spread them. This is the central message of the incredible book, Entrepreneurial Leadership, written by Joel Peterson, former chairman of JetBlue Airways, founding partner of Peterson Partners, and Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. In this conversation with host Andy Storch, learn about the leadership qualities that, together with a great team, will help build an enduring enterprise that stays true to its brand and mission. What qualities does the entrepreneurial leader possess? What makes a great team? All these and more in this episode. Mentioned in this episode:Think Tank conferenceGet your tickets now for the Talent Development Think Tank Conference https://tdtt.us/conference/

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The Talent Development Hot Seat podcast is a show dedicated to helping you develop the most important part of your organization – the people! Each week, Andy shares interviews with Talent Development professionals, thought leaders, and experts to share best practices, learn about the latest trends and find out what has been successful in the world of talent development. This podcast and community are designed to enable you to be successful in the world of Talent Development. If you work in Learning and Development (L&D) this is the podcast for you Be sure to check out our website and join our membership community to learn more and connect with other exceptional talent development professionals. https://tdtt.us/