Iterative Management with Ed Muzio

Bio: Ed Muzio, “one of the planet’s clearest thinkers on management practice,” is CEO of Group Harmonics and author of three books including his latest, Iterate: Run a Fast, Flexible, Focused Management Team, which describes Iterative Management practices that the highest performing organizations use to make informed, inc He is a leader in the application of analytical models to group and organization effectiveness and output. Ed’s analytical approach to human productivity has been featured in national and international media, including CBS News, Fox Business News and The New York Post. He has been a regular contributor to CBS and the Huffington Post. Specialty: The big idea: Iteration is the way effective organizations solve problems and achieve goals whose solutions are too complex to be defined in advance. Just look for the highest‐performing entrants in any given market. Chances are they’re Iterating. Managing vs Management vs Change Management Notes: Ed’s background and how he started writing booksThe language problem around managing vs managementManagement is the group of people who is keeping things in the company on courseThere is not enough content and clarity about what it means to be on a management teamManagers are in collaboration and also competitionWhy managers can be in competitionThe importance of going beyond goals to define success for the organizationHow business and management is heavily influenced by cultural normsThe concept of iteration and information moving from top and bottomHow a feedback system works in an organizationThe role of management is to iterate like a thermostatThe five key practices of iteration including output and status broadcastingWhy we need a visual representation of my plan and also a second version of the futureOSIR – Output, Status, Issue, RecommendationWhat happens when new directions come down from the topWhat is change management and how can companies use this for major strategic shiftsWhat can talent development professionals do to get more involved with their clientsEd’s session at the TDTTTrend: Going from tactical to strategic with talent strategyBook: The Insightful Leader Book: Behave on Human BehaviorLinks: Book: The Insightful Leader by Carlann FergussonBook: Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst by Robert SapolskyBook: Iterate: Run a Fast, Flexible, Focused Management Team by Ed MuzioIterate’s WebsiteTalent Development Think Tank’s WebsiteFor questions, comments and guest suggestions, contact the host, Andy Storch, at Mentioned in this episode:Think Tank conferenceGet your tickets now for the Talent Development Think Tank Conference

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