Career Jumping: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

#WorkTrends welcomes Mike Lewis, author of "When to Jump", to discuss both sides of jumping, whether it's time to leave a job to pursue dreams or if you need to retain top talent. We will discuss: How to retain top talent from “jumping”Why top talent (particularly millennials) jump today more than ever beforeCurrent trends in corporate environments to best retain the talentHow to explore internal jumpsWhen to jump Come learn about the changing perceptions of career pathing and how to encourage jumps that satisfy employees while preventing talent attrition. And you may just leave the show thinking, "It's my time to jump!"

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You've been in the HR trenches for years. Now, are you ready to look toward the future? Join host, Meghan M Biro on the #WorkTrends podcast from TalentCulture as she talks about how work is changing. You'll get all the news you need to stay current, and hear from leading experts, HR tech vendors and HR practitioners about what inspires them. Join us on Twitter every Wednesday at 1:30 pm Eastern for a live chat using the hashtag #WorkTrends.