Freshen Up Remote Culture for Work and Play

Since 2005, there’s been a 173% increase in remote work, 11% faster than the rest of the workforce and 47 times faster than the work-from-home population. Then COVID hit, and almost every employee got a taste of the work from home life. These days, 80% of employees want to work from home at least some of the time, and 3 in 4 employees consider remote work the new normal.  There’s just one problem: translating your work culture into your work-from-home culture.  In fact, culture is the hardest thing to transition to remote work, even though many managers believe that going remote is as sending a worker home with a laptop and a to-do list. You have to invest in your remote culture just as much as your in-person culture, which means giving employees signs that they matter, no matter how far apart you are. 

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