Innovating a Culture of Wellness

What is wellness? The definition has been thrust into high contrast by COVID-19 and our changing work landscape. Working remotely or not, employers tending to employee well-being are finding themselves at the cutting edge of employee experience when their wellness offerings fit the needs and lives of their people. 


At #WorkTrends we’re looking at some of the companies who are focusing on wellness as a key differentiator -- in terms of employee performance and experience, and also customer experience. And we’re looking at how the pressures and challenges today are helping to catalyze a new definition of what wellness means. It’s not a matter of offering isolated benefits or perks anymore — it can’t be. As companies shift to flexible and remote working out of necessity, they’re finding the need to provide a through-and-through culture that embodies their values — and wellness is an enormous component. 

Today I’m bringing Arthur Matuszewski, VP of Talent, Better.Com to #WorkTrends to talk about how he and his company are innovating a wellness culture that employees thrive on. It has demonstrable benefits in terms of customer success, and some of its most popular elements may surprise some in this audience.

Om Podcasten

You've been in the HR trenches for years. Now, are you ready to look toward the future? Join host, Meghan M Biro on the #WorkTrends podcast from TalentCulture as she talks about how work is changing. You'll get all the news you need to stay current, and hear from leading experts, HR tech vendors and HR practitioners about what inspires them. Join us on Twitter every Wednesday at 1:30 pm Eastern for a live chat using the hashtag #WorkTrends.