06 | How one woman found her voice while navigating NICU and special care, with Bec Mackey

In this episode, mum of two Bec Mackey shares how her second birth and immediate postpartum made her and her baby "square pegs in round holes" in the hospital system. Complications during the birth, her determination to establish breastfeeding and Covid restrictions eventuated in Bec being forced to navigate the system in a way that left her, literally, on the floor. Her story is both illuminating in how easily women can fall through the cracks and a testament to Bec's strength in forging her own path despite serious obstacles and a lack of support.

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A podcast dedicated to the beauty and brutality of new parenthood - because giving birth is the beginning, but postpartum is forever. Created by postpartum doula Naomi Chrisoulakis, each week she chats to women about their postpartum experiences and asks experts to share their wisdom.