07 | Big feelings, boundaries, siblings and mother rage - the Aware Parenting approach, with Lael Stone

I'm joined by Lael Stone (https://laelstone.com.au/) on this episode to talk all things Aware Parenting and how it can help us find a happy middle ground between authoritarian and permissive parenting, through holding space, setting loving limits, meeting our own needs, and working through our own baggage. I love Lael! "We want to send them a message that says we deeply love and accept all of you. For a lot of us, we received the message as children that we were loved when we were behaving well, and achieving, but when we were angry or upset or sad, love and connection was withdrawn. And then we become adults who need therapy because we have stories around not being enough."

Om Podcasten

A podcast dedicated to the beauty and brutality of new parenthood - because giving birth is the beginning, but postpartum is forever. Created by postpartum doula Naomi Chrisoulakis, each week she chats to women about their postpartum experiences and asks experts to share their wisdom.