08 | Body image, bounce-back culture and the sane way to get fit and healthy, with Lyndi Cohen

Lyndi Cohen is a dietician, nutritionist and mum to an 8 month old, who used to struggle with food and her weight - and she's open about how pregnancy and postpartum have challenged her all over again.I love Lyndi's BS-free approach to wellbeing, both mental and physical, and her commitment to calling out diet culture. In this episode, we talk about her experience of postpartum, as well as her thoughts on the bounce-back culture we're held hostage to after we have a baby, and how we can raise a generation of kids who have positive relationships with food and their bodies. You can find Lyndi at www.lyndicohen.com and on instagram @nude_nutritionist

Om Podcasten

A podcast dedicated to the beauty and brutality of new parenthood - because giving birth is the beginning, but postpartum is forever. Created by postpartum doula Naomi Chrisoulakis, each week she chats to women about their postpartum experiences and asks experts to share their wisdom.