16 | Weaving pleasure into mothering, with Regan Figg

Regan Figg sees motherhood not as a place where you lose yourself, but a place of opportunity. As a former exercise physiologist, yoga and meditation teacher, and health and wellness coach, Regan unexpectedly experienced postnatal depression and anxiety after the birth of her first son. Now a mum of three, she mentors mothers to uncover the gold that exists in their motherhood experience, to create balance in blending business and motherhood and to lead pleasure-filled lives.Join us for a juicy convo about why she banished the Good Mother, how she brings pleasure into her kid-filled life and what she thinks about people shouting "more self care" (spoiler alert: it doesn't work). Website: https://reganfigg.comInstagram: @regan_figgBook

Om Podcasten

A podcast dedicated to the beauty and brutality of new parenthood - because giving birth is the beginning, but postpartum is forever. Created by postpartum doula Naomi Chrisoulakis, each week she chats to women about their postpartum experiences and asks experts to share their wisdom.