84 | "The body keeps the score" - Jess, on sexual trauma, PNDA and conquering her past

Jess, a mum of one with another little one on the way, shares her rollercoaster postpartum and how she conquered anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation. With the help of a counsellor, she found the link between a past sexual trauma in her twenties and her birth trauma, processed it and is now expecting her second child. If this brings up anything for you, please consider talking to a counsellor on the PANDA helpline: 1300 726 306 (Monday-Saturday 9am-7.30pm AEDT)

Om Podcasten

A podcast dedicated to the beauty and brutality of new parenthood - because giving birth is the beginning, but postpartum is forever. Created by postpartum doula Naomi Chrisoulakis, each week she chats to women about their postpartum experiences and asks experts to share their wisdom.