433: Steve Theberge on finding a meaningful context for your aesthetic

Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I talk with Massachusetts potter Steve Theberge. His functional pots are decorated with slips that are reduction cooled to create rich earth tones. In our interview we talk about the influence of Zen monastic training and social justice work on his studio practice, as well as his educational roots in the apprenticeship system. We also discuss the newly formed Early Career Fellowship for BIPOC Ceramic Artists that is supported by the Asparagus Valley Pottery Trail. Steve is a host for the yearly event that brings thousands of ceramic lovers to Western Mass each spring. For more information visit www.stevetheberge.com and www.asparagusvalleypotterytrail.com.   Today’s episode is brought to you by the following sponsors:   Join more than 40 potters for the 11th annual Michiana Pottery Tour, September 24 and 25 in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan www.michianapotterytour.com @michianapotterytour.   For the past 100 years, AMACO Brent has been creating ceramic supplies for our community ranging from underglazes to electric kilns, and they have no plans of slowing down. www.amaco.com   The Rosenfield Collection of Functional Ceramic Art is an on-line source for research and inspiration, featuring images of thousands of objects made by over 800 artists. www.Rosenfieldcollection.com.

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Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast features weekly interviews with ceramic artists from around the world. Host Ben Carter talks with potters, sculptors, and designers about their creative practice. www.talesofaredclayrambler.com