41 – Nine out of Ten

The Well Established Lesbian wants to take you back to 2016, yes, that unspeakable year. Life is moving rapidly, and this chapter is back to the rafters. From anniversary battles to corporate battles to team politics, there is nothing that isn’t coming the Well Established Lesbian’s way. She just wants to spend some quality time with her fiancé. A nice relaxing break perhaps? Barcelona you say. Why don’t you come with? This chapter contains some colourful language. Subscribe or donate at ko-fi.com/wellestablishedlesbian to keep the show ad-free. Insta @wellestablishedlesbian wellestablished.com

Om Podcasten

Join me, a Butch Lesbian, as I talk about growing up, and being a grown up, gay woman who is also gender nonconforming. Memories meet stories and become tales of experience. I recommend you start this podcast at episode 1, as this is a life story told chronologically, but I'm not the boss of you, jump in wherever you fancy! This lesbian podcast discusses mature themes and contains some colourful language. Ad-free! Help keep it that way. Support the show at www.ko-fi.com/wellestablishedlesbian