65 - The Professional Lesbian

The Well Established Lesbian is back at it, both the online dating AND the stand up comedy. Now all she has to do is land a date and a gig. Will this new local potential love interest be the real thing or is the WEL being led out to sea once more? And if she is real, will she let the WEL keep her socks on? Or is that the kind of thing that marks her out as an amateur lesbian? Well Established, sure, Professional? Probably not. Maybe the WEL can learn something from a headlining Lesbian. Or maybe comedy isn’t where her talents really lay, the Christmas rom-com is starting to come together… This chapter contains the usual colourful language and LGBTQIA+ content. (It is about a lesbian after all!) Love the show? Love the fact that it’s advert free? Help keep it that way. Head over to ko-fi.com/wellestablishedlesbian to donate or subscribe now.

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Join me, a Butch Lesbian, as I talk about growing up, and being a grown up, gay woman who is also gender nonconforming. Memories meet stories and become tales of experience. I recommend you start this podcast at episode 1, as this is a life story told chronologically, but I'm not the boss of you, jump in wherever you fancy! This lesbian podcast discusses mature themes and contains some colourful language. Ad-free! Help keep it that way. Support the show at www.ko-fi.com/wellestablishedlesbian