Chapter 37 – Dental Damned

The Well Established Lesbian is learning to adapt to her new life in the countryside and is becoming quite the housewife, only she wouldn’t call it that, obviously. The WEL has a little too much time on her hands and the pursuit of hobbies continues...if you count arguing with people on the internet as a hobby. And if you’re afraid of the Dentist, you’re in good gay company. The Well Established Lesbian has been Dentist Dodging for a while now and a reckoning awaits. It’s not quite Halloween but for this Lesbian, it’s a horror story. This episode contains colourful language and discussions about dental treatment. Subscribe, donate or support at or follow on insta @wellestablishedlesbian

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Join me, a Butch Lesbian, as I talk about growing up, and being a grown up, gay woman who is also gender nonconforming. Memories meet stories and become tales of experience. I recommend you start this podcast at episode 1, as this is a life story told chronologically, but I'm not the boss of you, jump in wherever you fancy! This lesbian podcast discusses mature themes and contains some colourful language. Ad-free! Help keep it that way. Support the show at