The Sacred Rebel, episode 123

In this episode, Leola explores the concept of the Sacred Rebel archetype and shares her personal journey of initiation with her inner sacred rebel. She defines sacred rebels as those who challenge the status quo and envision a world based on love rather than fear. Leola shares personal stories of staying true to her sacred rebel and offers helpful insights on how to prepare for triggers from others when choosing to authentically rebel. Get a taste of tantra with the FREE Sexual Shadow Work ...

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A podcast that takes a playful perspective on sacred sexuality, hosted by Leola. As a Sacred Intimacy Mentor and Muse, my intention in this podcast is to normalize bodies and the things they do - like embodying spirituality and being sexy. In modern society, we are taught that sex and spirituality do not go together, when in fact they are integral to one another. It is my mission to empower you to reclaim your sexuality by dismantling false conditionings and fear-based belief systems. When we reclaim our bodies and our eroticism, we are able to shift our perspective of ourselves and our sexuality to a place of unconditional love and curiosity. IG: Twitter: @talktantratome