Aaron Johnson & Caleb Moore | Planning Special Services

Episode 31: Services are such a crucial aspect of many of our ministries. Whether it be a Sunday service for your congregation, a worship service dedicated to seeking after God, or a big Christmas Eve service where families gather together under candlelight. Services are important, and much ministry happens before, during, and after service time. Aaron Johnson, our Local Creative Pastor, and Caleb Moore, our Production Lead, break down what goes through their minds as they map out each service here at River Valley. They discuss the audience, the worship moments, the unity needed between all working parties, and so much more. Listen as they share on their passion for service moments, as this influences your incredible services to come!

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Talking Church is a podcast hosted by River Valley Network that discusses trends in the church and culture. In each episode, you will learn from ministry leaders on a variety of subjects, develop your leadership skills and break new growth barriers!