Eps 3: An Intro To WordPress – Talking HTML

This is Eps 3
Today is an Intro to WordPress
What is WP?

* A Free open source CMS project used for building websites and blogs

* Made up of tons of PHP files
* Highly customizable if you know what you are doing
* Uses plugins

* some paid/most have unpaid options


* Ease of use
* open sourced
* Great for E-commerce

* don’t need to create your own online store

* Nice to have a blog incorporated into a website without losing visual continuity

* explain


* File heavy
* can be slow
* plugins aren’t always kept up to date
* easy to forget to update WP itself if you don’t have auto update turned on
* need to rely on WP to be secure vs a custom built site
* Great platform but boring if you don’t customize

Be sure that you are comfortable with HTML & CSS
http://www.Webdevpod.com for all the content and links
DreamHost promo code – tnpw

Om Podcasten

This is an audio online podcast thing for the beginner coder. HTML, CSS, WordPress and other topics will be discussed as well as video tutorials and live feeds. Maybe even some interviews.